The European medical device technology industry: facts and figures 2022

MedTech Europe publishes 2022 facts and figures about the European medtech industry. Read the highlights of this report.

Each year MedTech Europe -the European trade association for the medical technology industry- publishes facts and figures about the European medtech industry containing patents, workforce, market growth and more. The European medical device industry is a strong growing, key industry for the European economy and well-being of people. It is the 2nd largest industry in the world with a small difference behind the United States.

Below a summary of the key findings:

  • R&D is a big driver in the EU Med device industry. 8% of sales on average are invested in R&D. Patents continue to grow (+0.8% 2020 vs 2021) resulting into 15,300 patent applications in the year 2021. 41% of all patent applications comes Europe followed by 38% by the United States.
  •   There are over 800,000 employees in the European medical device industry led by Germany and followed by Italy, UK, France, Switzerland and Ireland. Ireland and Switzerland have the highest employees per capita.
  • In 2022 there are 34,000 medical technoogy companies in Europe in which 95% represents SME’s. Germany, followed by Italy, UK, France and Switzerland have the most medical companies
  • 11% on EU GDP is spend on healthcare and on average € 284 per capita on medical technology in European countries
  • The European medical device market accounts for 27.3% of the world market representing a market size of € 150 billion after the USA
  • The largest European medical device markets are Germany (25.8%), France (14.3%), UK (10.4%), Italy (9%) and Netherlands (6.4%)
  • The European medical device market has been growing on average by 4.8% per year
  • Europe has exported € 6 billion more then it has imported. Largest export partner is the USA (40.3%)
  • Largest import partner is the USA (42.4%) followed by China (17.6%)
  • Largest importers are Germany, followed by the Netherlands, France, Belgium, UK and Italy


Download the full report here

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